Will Testosterone Increase Beard Growth
Beard Growth And Testosterone: 7 Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels
September 08, 2018 120 Comments
Two basic distinctive features that differentiate a grown man from a boy; a well carved out muscular structure, and a full-grown beard. No matter the style of trends, these features are natural gifts that never get outshined. The male gender only gets to exhibit these physical attributes due to the presence of a particular hormone called testosterone. How does beard growth gets linked with testosterone and what general effect does it have on overall health?
The Correlation Between Beard Growth And Testosterone
Picture this; we have two men standing beside each other. The first tagged Person A has a full-face thick beard while Person B is mainly struggling with patches of hair on his face. So, the question is what deficiency does Person B have that is pronounced in Person A.The answer is higher testosterone levels. This can be understood in the area of genetics. Person A produces more testosterone, and his system reacts swiftly to hormonal development. Person B produces lower testosterone, and his system takes time to respond to the hormonal development. There is also the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) that is liable for the proper lining of the beards. Individually, there are two hormonal agents that bring about beard growth testosterone and DHT. It is important to note that if your hair follicles are not sensitive or receptive enough for these hormones, you might not grow a beard as early as you might have liked. This is just primary body function which varies from one individual to the other. I mean take a look at people who are still in their teenage years and have fully grown beards.
However, having lower levels of testosterone does not equal no beard instead it means a gradual growth. But you might come to wonder if a deficiency in testosterone has any health impact on your body.
What effect does low testosterone have on the body?
Due to its functionality in nearly every part of the human body, low testosterone can create a significant deficiency in the body more importantly for the male gender. Testosterone is a hormone more functional in the male gender since it aids most of their physical attributes compared to the female gender. They get to their peak level in their late teens and could experience a recede in their 30s. So, let us delve into some commonly known effects of low testosterone.
- Sexual Function
Testosterone is liable for high libido in men. Low testosterone equals a reduction in sex drive which leads to poor sexual performance. This has been one of men greatest worry of not being able to satisfy their sexual urge after exceeding a certain age. They experience cases such as a reduced desire for sex, fewer erections and low sperm count.
Often times erectile dysfunction is not caused by a reduction in testosterone, this might be due to other health issues. But, in fewer cases where it comes down to low testosterone, you can seek medical help through the use of Hormonal replacement therapy which should be prescribed by a medical practitioner and closely monitored by one.
Testosterone plays a fundamental role in the cognitive system of the body. It is can change how we interact with our daily activities. Low testosterone in men has a direct link with mood swing, depression, and stress. When a man has low testosterone, he might tend to have less energy for exercise, which might lead to an increase in body size making him feel less attractive. Situations such as this can cause depression which can go as far as putting a strain on your relationship. Sometimes problems in marriage come from the husband going through stress because of work stress, which can then cause low testosterone.
- Loss Of Hair
When you get to the threshold of adulthood, you will start experiencing faster growth in body hair from the face, chest, pubic hair, and legs. This is due to the high degree of testosterone in the body. When the body starts experiencing some reduction in body hair, that is a gradual reduction in the testosterone level.
There are ways you can increase testosterone without going through any hormonal therapy or any form of implant inside your body. They are natural and work great if you follow through with them. Here are seven natural ways to increase your testosterone level:
- Sleep
Getting the right amount of sleep can boost your testosterone levels. Accomplishing this in a digital world packed with so many distractions can be hard with so many devices impeding your sleeping hours which is bad for your overall health. During your sleep hours, especially at night, the endocrine system comes alive. Your brain sends a message to produce a reasonable degree of testosterone to get you prepared for another day.
- Cruciferous Vegetable
These veggies reduce the level of estrogen in the body and increase testosterone. The unperturbed effect of estrogen in the body like heart diseases and breast enlargement is hazardous to men. It works inversely to the testosterone level in men. The cruciferous vegetable contains a particular substance, indole-3-carbinol, which helps in the removal of estradiol, a type of estrogen from the body and replaces it with testosterone.
- Brazil Nuts
The brazil nuts contain a mineral called selenium, which is effectual in increasing your testosterone level. The good news is you only have to eat two of these nuts per day to achieve the right number of testosterone your body requires.
- Less Stress
Increase in stress levels has a direct impact on your sleep and libido. It has an immediate effect on your testosterone level, and it leads to a chain of events in the body. When your body triggers the cortisol, which is the stress hormone that affects other body functions. Once your body gets less stressed, you will be able to get much more sleep which is a key factor in getting your testosterone number increased. Take a walk, road trip, enjoy more family time, or read a book. Don't get too swamped with work because it increases your stress level.
- Exercise
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an excellent way to shred the fat in your body, get fit, and feel a difference in your overall health. Compared to other workout routines, HIIT heightens your strength level, boosts your endurance level, and most importantly increases your testosterone level. Another form of anaerobic exercise you should consider is weight training, sprinting, and jumping. Be careful not to overdo any of these workout routines.
- Avocados
Avocados are a good food source if you're looking at increasing your testosterone level. They contain a monounsaturated fatty oil which increases testosterone levels. Most foods contain a combination of monounsaturated fatty oil and polyunsaturated fatty oil. These two work opposite each other, the former increases the testosterone level while the latter brings it down, but you don't want that. The Avocado only contains the good stuff that you need which is the monounsaturated fatty oil. You should try adding avocados to your diet.
- Olive Oil and Coconut Oil
The more good fat you have the higher your testosterone level. Especially high saturated fats such as butter, coconut oil, and eggs. The olive oil and coconut oil stimulate the enzyme that produces testosterone. You can use the olive oil or coconut oil to prepare your veggies. Other supplements that contain vitamin D3, fish oil, protein, and magnesium are also great sources to achieve a good testosterone level.
The most critical aspect is eating a balanced diet with food that encompasses all kinds of nutritional values. A reasonable level of testosterone can be achieved by being cognizant of simple body changes and making appropriate adjustments. Your body already has all it needs for a natural boost to get you back on the level.
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Will Testosterone Increase Beard Growth
Source: https://blackbeardbrigade.com/blogs/black-beard-news/beard-growth-and-testosterone-7-ways-to-boost-testosterone-levels
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